
Electro Cleaner



TRIOLECTRIC-MF; It is an anti-corrosive and completely evaporating solvent-based cleaning product used in electricity, engines and components. Compared to other cleaners, it is slower volatile and oily. The product is insulating and must be used in a pure form. It increases the electrical properties of electrical circuits, brushes, command switches, large and small engine contacts, control units, switches, batteries, cooling devices, transformers, ignition systems. Control switches prevent arcing by electrical leaks on the control units and cables. The film of product fine molecules adheres to wet and dry surfaces. It penetrates other inaccessible points with motor windings and ensures that the material is protected by this film layer without being disassembled. It dries the moisture and dielectrically closes the parts it penetrates and thus prevents the moisture from entering again. The product removes dirt and soot, helps clean and covers bare surfaces. It forms a thin oil film on these surfaces and protects the material from salt air and water and corrosive substances. It is a substance with low evaporation and is harmless to many insulating materials.